In the heart of Subic lies an institution once written in the wondrous chronicle of the 1st class municipality in Zambales

Subic National High School, was founded as Subic Municipal High School in 1987. It was the brainchild of the Municipal Mayor Manuel M. Molina, Jr. and Liwayway Mercado, the Councilor in-charge of Education.

The school started its maiden traverse in 1987 with only 249 first- and second-year students housed in the second floor of Subic Public Market. An odyssey that set foot to the status of Subic Municipal High School as newly legislated secondary school upon the approval of RA 7205 shifted the name into Subic High School. Equally, it was assumed in the Gen. Appropriation Act effected on May 20, 1991.

Alongside an emerging foundation, came a challenging catastrophe almost no one could bear. The eruption of the Sleeping Beauty of Zambales’ fairytale- Mt. Pinatubo. It was considered as one the most destructive explosions in the face of the Earth. The blasts caused a massive alteration on the school’s scenario. The institute found its way to the nearby site with 15,596 sq. m. at Barangay Wawandue. A popular area known as downtown’s neighborhood.

In 2004, Gov. Vicente Magsaysay, through the countryside development fund, established an annex at Barangay Mangan-Vaca.

 Eventually on January 2012, development occurred over the supervision of Mr. Castor M. Feria, former Principal IV of Castillejos National High School. At that point, the EFA Goal was a mission to be grasped. EFA 2015 aims to provide basic competencies to achieve functional literacy for all. It was a vision and holistic program of reforms to quality education. To attain the mission-vision, Mr. Feria worked hand in hand with the Department Heads, Guidance Counsellor, Curriculum Coordinators, Master Teachers, the faculty, internal/ external shareholders, the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and the Local Government Unit (LGU). Furthermore, that year, the school was categorized as the largest school in Zambales in terms of population despite of extensions in other areas. A total of 3,693 students were catered.

Nonetheless, educative program always find refuge in the course of time, so K to 12 was born. In 2013, The teaching force increased from 73 to 121 including the curriculum program coordinators. The number of learners amplified from 3,693 to 4,211. In preparation for the upcoming growth of another curriculum, the Department of Education (DEPED) funded teachers training of Grade 7-10 to be equipped by 21st century learning skills. Additionally, the school’s teaching league functioned the best to deliver basic education that is equitably accessible and lay substance for lifelong learning and service to common good.

As years passed by, on its 29th operation, the school was on the verge of driving the triumph towards its anchor- MISSION-VISION.

The school as the Mother of All Programs in the entire district, emblazoned the character of the SUBICANS! It was the arena of primary courses- Science Technology and Engineering (STEP) Special Program in the Arts (SPA), BPOSA-ALS, Open High School, SPED, SPJ and MADRASAH.

In conclusion, the first reaping of what have been sowed took arise on the 1st of April 2016 at the newly-inaugurated covered court. A day to be cherished of all its endeavor. School Year 2016 began the offering of Senior High School with various Academic and Technical Vocational-Livelihood Tracks.

Today, the school still stands in its gratified pedestal, a Statuesque Institution that will continually lights the torch of learning, to guide the young to their magnificent dreams. That is, Subic National High School, AD MAJOREM DE GLORIAM!

SNHS in the Past